Archive for the ‘Week 12’ Category

Week 12 – The Plan (Part II)

Saturday, March 26th, 2011

Here’s where you get completely overwhelmed by how much I over organize this.

Here is the link to the route for those running it.


Memorize it well. If you get lost out here we’re in BIG TROUBLE! For the most part it is straight. Rte 135 to Rte 16 to Rt 30. If you think you’re supposed to turn, you should be at the corner of Washington St and Comm Ave in Newton.

And here is thetransportation and water stop plans. Its got a lot of info to make sure we don’t lose anybody tomorrow, and that you’re all well supported all day long.


Oh good, I see Haecha is coming too. That’s one more car, one more driver, and a few more seats for runners in case we have any other additions.

Speaking of cars and drivers, remember that Hopkinton is 45 miles from Melrose, that BC is 21.5 miles from Hopkinton, and Melrose is at least 15 miles from Boston College. Also remember that gas is closing in over $3.50 per gallon. Feel free to tip your driver.

Any questions post them now, otherwise see you before 7AM tomorrow behind Brueggers.

Week 12 – The Plan (Part I)

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

This week we leave Breakheart and head to Heartbreak. The plan is to leave Brueggers at 7AM on the dot. Be there slightly early, the cars will pull out at 7. We’ll get to Hopkinton right before 8AM, with a group bathroom stop about a mile before the starting line. A quick picture in front of the Doughboy Statue next to the start, a “does everyone know where you’re going?!” and you’ll be off. Every 3 miles or so there will be water stop cars stretching the way from Hopkinton to Boston College. A car will be designated as the finish line car holding most people’s clothing so you can change at the finish into warm dry clothes. We’ll congregate outside St Ignacius Church, take another group picture, weather permitting, and head back to Melrose.

Here’s the list of people I believe are coming. If I missed you its because I can’t keep this many people straight in my head. Please reply with a post if you’re on the list and you shouldn’t be or are not on the list and want to be:

Running the Full Distance (about)

1 AJ
2 BrianS
3 BrianW
4 Carol
5 Dan
6 DaveH
7 DougD
8 EdB
9 Jackie
10 JohnK
11 Judi
12 Katie
13 Kellie
14 Kerry
15 Kim
16 MarianneF
17 Melisa
18 MichelleD
19 MichelleL
20 Matt
21 PaulD
22 SueW
23 Walt

Running Part Way
24 AudreyH
25 Dorota
26 Lois
27 MaryanneM
28 Nancy

Water Stop Volunteers
29 Jim
30 Liz
31 Lizzie
32 Lynda
33 Mary

Planned Cars so far

7 BrianW
7 PaulD
5 DaveH
5 Jim
5 Liz
5 Lois
5 Matt
5 SueW


Unless we get more than one more runner showing up, this should work. I was expecting to hear of one or two more but it looks like we’ll fit nicely in 6 cars. Part 2 of the plan, with all the details will be up this afternoon.

Week 12 – Water stop help needed!

Friday, September 24th, 2010

There is a big group of Sunday Long Runners (including myself) that will be away for the weekend. Good luck to everyone running the Lake Winnie relay!!

So it looks like we are going to need some volunteers for water stops this Sunday.

PLEASE let me know if you are available to help! You can either hang out at the water stops or drop your car and try to arrange a drop-off/pickup before or after the run.

We will need at least 4 people…

WS1 (also WS2 for the half route) – Highland Ave

WS2 & 5 – Forest St

WS3 – Highland/Main St

WS4 – Mystic Valley Parkway

I can drop off all the supplies with someone before 7pm tonight, or you can drop by my place to pick up the supplies. I think my roommate will be around later tonight or tomorrow.

Also, if you purchase any water/Gatorade/cups, I’ll give you the money for that next week.

Week 12 – The Plan

Thursday, March 25th, 2010

Thanks to all that got back to me, we now have a plan with a couple of question marks in it. There’s a lot of information in here so read through, correct any misinterpretations I have,  and ask any questions…

THE CARS: We’ll bring 5 cars to Hopkinton, but we have 6 cars to choose from. The final count will determine which ones we take. The options are Sue (seats 8), Barry (5), Liz (5), Dave (5), Ginny (8), and Gen (4). If we need the extra seats we’ll take Ginny’s car instead of one of the others, if we don’t need the seats we’ll let her family use their car. Right now I count about 24 people making the trip plus a few maybes. I haven’t turned anyone away, so if you asked to come we should be able to accommodate you.

THE DRIVERS: This year we have 3 dedicated drivers (Liz, Barry, and Gen’s husband Nate). We have several partial route runners that will keep the other two cars rolling along (Catherine, Ginny, Jim, Lois, Nancy, Sue). Drivers, e-mail me your cell-phone numbers, I’ll make a list so we can communicate along the course. A cell-phone will be assigned to a car in case one of the partial route drivers gets separated from their belongings.

THE WATERSTOPS: Each car will get a map of the route and the assigned duty of the car: lead car at odd stops, trail car at odd stops, lead car at even stops, trail car at even stops, and wandering assistance vehicle. The odd stop cars will be responsible for stops 1, 3, 5, and the finish.The even stop cars will be responsible for 2, 4, and 6. The lead car is responsible for being at the stop for the lead runners, the trail car stay at the water stop until the last runner has come through. During the latter parts of the run, the lead car will need to be at the stop before the first runners come in, stay until the trail car arrives, and then head out to the next stop. Don’t assume smooth sailing to the next water stop, traffic builds up due to all the runners on the road. The 5th car will be available to check on runners along the way and pick up the slack if the runners get so spread out that we have troubles covering all the necessary waterstops.

GETTING READY: A tip for first time marathoners, use this run as a training run and a test drive for marathon day. Saturday eat what you plan to eat the day before your marathon. Sunday Morning eat as you would marathon day (although with Boston’s start time that timing won’t be the same).  Plan to wear the same shorts and shirt you plan on using on marathon day, and sock and running shoes for that matter. You may wear layers over it, but at least you’ll have the same layer touching your skin as you plan on having on the big day. This way if the meal upsets your stomach, or a seam irritates your skin, you can learn that this Sunday instead of when it matters most.

PACKING YOUR BAGS: The run will start with cold temperatures around freezing. The end of the run will likely be much warmer. Dress in layers as you will be discarding clothing at waterstops along the way. Don’t rely on those clothes being available at the finish line however. You may finish well before the water stop cars all gather at Boston College, or a car may inadvertently head back to Melrose with your discarded clothes in it. Pack a bag with some warm clothes, money, and a hearty post run snack. There are no facilities at the finish, however coffee shop bathrooms across the street can be used to change, and buy coffee.

GETTING READY TO GO: Cars should be at Brueggers at 6:45. Runners show up before 7AM. Each car will have a packet, with information on which role it will execute during the day. Runners can ride to Hopkinton in whatever car they want, but choose the car you put your bags in based on your pace. Fastest runners put your bags in the lead odd stop car. This will be the first car at the finish. Mid-pack runners put your stuff in the lead even stop car or trail odd stop car. Slowest runners put your stuff in either trail or the 5th car. We want to make sure your bags are at Boston College when you are.

THE TRIP: Again, we’re leaving at 7AM sharp. The ride to Hopkinton will take just under one hour. When we get off the highway in Hopkinton we’ll stop briefly at the first gas station on the right for a bathroom break. There’s a bathroom across the street if the line’s too long. From there we’ll head right to the starting line and take a group picture at the start and send you on your way.

THE RUN: Know the course (pretty much a straight line) because if you get lost we’ll have no way to find you… and you’re far from home. If you do think you’re lost, head back to the last spot you were sure you were on the course and wait, we’ll come back to find you. Also, remember this run is a training run, it is not the Boston Marathon. There are no medals at the end for finishing, we’re not publishing any results, so don’t push yourself beyond your limits on this one. Get your 22 miles in, learn from the course, and go from there. Don’t hurt yourself trying to do something crazy, save that for the marathon. If you haven’t run this before, the start of the run will be just us and a few other runners along the way. After the half way point you’ll see many runners along the way, running in both directions, training for the big day. Enjoy the experience, look around, and have fun!

AFTER THE RUN: 22 miles later you’ll wind up at St Ignatius Church at Boston College. Actually this is slightly less than 22, those with a Garmin and the need to make it officially 22 miles can turn right here and follow the road to Alumni Stadium and back to ensure that they got their 22 miles in. The group will gather on the grass in front of the church. Make sure you check in with one of the drivers when you finish, we’ll be counting heads. Typically, if the weather is nice we all hang out there until everyone finishes. If the weather is bad however the lead odd car will take the first carload of runners home before they get too cold. Otherwise know, you will be driven back to Melrose when the group is ready to leave so don’t make other plans that require you to be anywhere before 2PM.

BACK TO MELROSE: Typically we are back to Melrose by 2PM, and sometimes we go out for a little celebration to kick off the Boston Marathon taper. Last year we went to the Dockside in Wakefield. This year, I don’t know what we’ll do (I don’t plan this part of the day) but keep your ears open if you’re interested.

LOST ITEMS: Once you get home you’ll realize you left clothes in random cars along the way. Car drivers should put items left in their car in the water stop bins and bring them to the Tuesday Night run. Runners should show up on Tuesday Night to collect their stuff… otherwise I’ll wash it and it’ll become mine if it fits and its not girlie.

That’s all the things I can think about. Or at least all the things I’ve considered in planning this run. Again, if you have any questions, ask them so I can add them to my list of things to plan.

Ready? We’re almost there!

Week 12 – It’s the Big One

Friday, September 26th, 2008



Week 12 of 15 in the fall is a big week. For those running the Baystate Marathon or the Hartford Marathon this is your final long run before your two week taper. For our BAA Half Marathon runners this is also your last long run before your one week taper. That is 22 miles for the marathoners and 10-13 for the half marathoners, depending on personal training preferences.

The routes will vary slightly, look for an update to them as a comment to this message sometime tonight or tomorrow. The water stops this week: WS1/4 will be handled by Walt. WS2 will be at Marianne Stanton’s house on RT38 in Medford. WS3 will be at the field on Mystic Valley Pkwy by the Middle School in Winchester. I’m still figuring this stop out. If there is anyone looking to run about 10 miles perhaps they could be picked up there in the morning and run back to their car from Brueggers. The final water stop is on Highland Ave in Medford near the Flynn Rink, which Kelly and Catherine will handle. Please confirm if you’re part of this plan or volunteer if you want to be.

It’ll be a rainy Sunday if the forecasts are correct (Walt?). I suggest a coating of vaseline on your feet to prevent blisters. I also suggest that you wear as much of your planned marathon/half-marathon day clothing as you can (conditions may hamper this) as its a great opportunity to find out if certain shirts/shorts/bras/socks will cause chaffing or other issues. It’s also an opportunity to test out your pre-race meals, Saturday’s dinner and Sunday’s breakfast should mimic race weekend in content and meal time. One last suggestion, if you haven’t tried a Gu on your run you should this week. It’s designed to get people through long runs, see how it works for you before you’re race.

That’s enough from me for now. Who’s in?

See you Sunday Morning, 8AM, Brueggers!