It’s Labor Day Weekend. Labor is defined by the Free Dictionary as: Physical or mental exertion, especially when difficult or exhausting. Given that, what better way to celebrate Labor Day than to run 20 Miles with your friends!
The key to getting through a run like this is think of it as 6 short runs, so here’s what we have on tap…
Run 1: This week we’ll start from Brueggers of course and head out West Wyoming, past the Stone Zoo, past Friendly’s to Park St. A left on Marble St will bring us over Rt93 to Forest St in Winchester where we’ll stop for water.
Run 2: From there we’ll continue to Highland Ave, follow that to the end and get some more water.
Run 3: Taking Rt38 over to Playstead Rd where we turn right along Oak Grove Cemetery, we’ll head into West Medford. Turn right on RT60/High St, over the railroad tracks, past the Dunkin Donuts (a good place to take a potty break if needed). High Street will take you to the edge of Medford, where you’ll see Arlington across the river. As you’re running High St be careful NOT to veer right at a fork in the road at Grove St, STAY ON HIGH ST. At the river there will be a little rotary, this is where you turn right on Mystic Valley Parkway and run along the Mystic Lakes. If you run along the left side of the road you’ll find a path to run on, giving your feet a break from the concrete and asphalt. At the end of this street you’ll turn right, go under the train tracks and up to a park where you turn left, keeping on Mystic Valley Parkway. There is a paved path in this park you can run which will bring you up to water stop 3 near Winchester Center.
Run 4: Next you run up to Washington St, turn left and follow Washington through a f way intersection. We’ve been here before, but it is a bit confusing. You want to cross through the intersection and stay on the street to the right on the other side. This is still Washington St. Run up past a church and through Winchester to the Gingerbread Construction Company. Don’t stop for breakfast, instead turn right up Forest St, up to the top where you’ll hit the first water stop again.
Run 5: You’ve done this run before… cross over 93, turn right on Park St, over to Friendly’s again and right on Main St in Stoneham. Run the back side of Spot Pond past the Sheepfold over to Elm St. Left on Elm and up, up up to the rotary at Highland Ave. Turn right at the Mobil Station onto Highland and find the water stop there.
Run 6: The last run of the day is one you’ve run in the other direction many times. Follow Highland Ave all the way to the rotary where the paper boy sits. Turn left onto the Fellsway East and cruise through the final hills of the day. When you get to Grimsby’s be glad you’re turning right, a flat last mile down West Wyoming to Main ending at a chair on a sidewalk in front of Brueggers. Yay!
For those running shorter, there is a short route posted but I suggest looking at running the prettier parts of the run. Look on the map and find a water stop to start and end at. This will make your run more interesting and give you the chance to keep a 20 mile runner company if they want it. (Warning: sometimes they don’t want it so be wary of the long distance runner that wants some alone time)
Another tip before I end this long post… This is the perfect chance to dry run your marathon day. Choose clothes appropriate for this weekend’s weather, but try to wear as much of your race day clothes as possible. The right shoes, socks, bra, underwear, shorts, and shirt are hard to find. Today you can learn what chafes and blisters you before you get out on the race course. Also test our your marathon meals. Dinner Saturday night and breakfast Sunday morning are key to how you run. Try your meals out today and see how they work tomorrow. Again better to find out that certain thing you think will work doesn’t when you’re running your 20 than when you’re running your marathon.
OK, enough from me. I need three or four water stop volunteers. I’ll by some supplies and pass them out at Brueggers before the run. If you’re running short and starting somewhere else, consider letting us use your car. I think Dave and BrianW will be out on the course for us keeping us well. If so two more cars will make things work out well. One at Eugene, one at the last stop. Then those two can move around and help us out. Let me know and THANKS in advance!
Who’s in for 20, or something else?! ROLL CALL!!!!
I am running the 20 and have supplies for a water stop. I can do the Forest St. one unless someone else would like to do it. Could someone please give me a ride to Bruegger’s before the run from Forest St.?
Remember to hydrate today! Thanks for the advice and encouragement, Jim!
I plan on running Eugene to Eugene…8ish. My car can be the stop for this one or any others.
I’ve got the whole morning open for Waterstop duty – ready – any spot or spots!
Nancy, if you’re meeting us at Eugene, you can leave your car there.
Catherine, you can just bring your supplies to Brueggers.
Dave, BrianW, you can load up all the supplies and bring them to the first stop. Then drive over and drop Brian’s car at the 3rd stop with supplies and then head over to stop 2 for us. Brian can run that part of the run if he likes stopping at his car. One or both of you can head over to the Highland Ave stop towards the end (stop 5) after the runners pass through and catch us towards the end.
Then we’ll all meet back at Brueggers.
Today I bought bloks, chomps, gu, and got a bunch of free Clif bars and assorted other goodies courtesy of Marathon Sports. I’ll pick up Gatorade, Water, Snickers, Fruit Slices, and bananas a little later. That should stock us up for the day… and the next few weeks.
Thanks Dave, Brian, and Nancy for the help
No running for me this weekend. I’ll take the 3rd water stop.I’ll come by Bruegger’s 1st.
Im in for the 20. See you all in the am
I’m in for the 20.
I plan on running about 10. Jim – looks like you have another ingenious scheme all set to cover the water stops, but I’d be happy to pitch in if you need another hand (or car).
I’ll be there tomorrow for the longer run. I have some leftover supplies from last week (gu, candy, 4 gatorades and some water) so I can bring those early to Bruegger’s tomorrow or I can also drop off somewhere else tonight, if needed.
I’m in for all 6 runs 😀
Thanks for all your support: BrianW, Dave, Nancy
I’m in for the 10. Thanks….
I’m in for the full.
Count me in for the 10. Thanks!
I choose the 6 short runs, thanks Jim!
I’m very nervous I must say but I’m thinking I’ll do the 20 with the group but I have the right to change my mind at any time in the process!!!!!!!!!!!!
in for the full!
p.s. not specifying what ‘full’ I’m in for.
I’m going the whole way and looking forward to EVERY water stop. Thanks to the volunteers!!
I”m in for the ten. Thanks!
OK, I’ll meet you early at Bruegger’s with the supplies. See you in the morning!
Great course!