Week 4 – One word: C-O-L-D!

I know, I know… I’ve said a few times already this training period that I wouldn’t ask you to do something I wouldn’t be willing to do myself. Well this Sunday’s run will pose an interesting challenge. Those who have run with me have heard me mention Cold Urticaria, a condition where one’s body has a histamine reaction to cold air, and how it’s been effecting my winter running. This Sunday is predicted to be dramatically colder than even the cold Sundays we’ve had so far, with temperatures in the single digits for the entire run and wind chills below 0. For that reason I won’t be running this Sunday (I did my long run along the hills of Newton with Nick earlier today thoguh). Should you be running? That’s up to you. Cold air makes for harder breathing and tighter muscles, but if you prepare for it shouldn’t cause any harm.

Some are talking about running tomorrow afternoon instead to beat the cold. If that’s your intention and you don’t want to go it alone, I suggest you post your plans here and see if anyone wants to join you. If there is a big enough group running locally at a certain time we can try to provide the water stops for you.

If you do plan on running, post here. I’ll make sure the water stops are provided as long as people are running. Also read the following articles and be prepared for the weather:


Runner’s World

Running Network

This is the Roll Call, let me know what your plans are for this weekends run!

As for my long run today, a brief recap. Nick and I met around 10:45 this morning on Beacon St in Newton, near Rte 16. In an attempt to take advantage of what was predicted to be a day close to 40 degrees, and an area with hills that Nick needs to be prepared for, we headed out along Beacon St to Rte 16 and the Boston Marathon course. The biggest obstacle of the day was work day traffic, cars and trucks hugging the snow banks on the side of the road leaving little room for a pair of runners to run. We made our way out to Comm Ave without incident and took advantage of the safety of the Commonwealth Ave carriage road, for the most part protected from traffic as we ascended the hills. A quick stop at the Newton Public Library for a sip of water and we were back at it, through Heartbreak Hill and down to the BC campus. The thought in my head through these miles was “this is a lot easier than when you start in Hopkington!” Following the course into Cleveland Circle we turned right on Beacon St, opposite of the marathon route. Along the Chestnut Hill Reservoir we wound our way to the opposite side of the campus and then cut along College Rd back to Comm Ave. Back through the hills the thought in my mind was about mile markers, and how our 12 mile run wasn’t adding up in my head. We reached the Newton Fire Station where we picked up the pace for the last two miles. Traffic was not cooperating though and repeated trips over snow banks to ice sidewalks and return trips over snowbanks to bare streets impeded the quick return. Turning off of Rte 16 and back onto Beacon St signalled the last mile, a surprising uphill mile. Thinking Nick was on my tail I kept the swift pace up ending our 12 mile run strong. Nick’s wife met up with me in the parking lot and we talked for a minute before she finally had to ask what I had done with Nick. On cue he turned the corner with a strong finish of his own. Now that its done I’ve hit mapmyrun.com to get a better idea of what we did today… I get 14 miles on my map Nick, I guess we’re ahead of schedule now!

12 Responses to “Week 4 – One word: C-O-L-D!”

  1. Lois Parker Carmona says:

    Pam and I will be running from Bruegger’s at noon tomorrow (Saturday). Anyone who wants to join us, please do! We’ll do the same route – to Lake Q, around and back.

  2. Carol Carstensen says:

    I think I will try to join you. My son has basketball so I could be running a bit late so don’t wait for me. If I am really late I will park somewhere further along the course and jump in along the way.

  3. Jen Randall says:

    Figures the weather had to be cold Sunday. My husband finally had the day off to watch the kiddies so I could of joined in. Oh well!!!! Unfortunately we have a birthday party to go to tomorrow. Looks like my love/hate relationship w/ the treadmill will be continuing. Have a great weekend and hopefully see you Tuesday.

  4. Walter Drag says:

    Running hills tomorrow…~1130am Firehouse turn at rte 30.. 5 hills to wellesley -HH round trip. 13 mi ard 9 pace overall. Sunday morning i can run a recovery 6 miler from Brueggers 8am if anyone is going. Sundays wind chill be norminal. 9am temp will be about 10 or 11 and at 10am ard 14 or 15F. sunglasses/thicker mittens/hat/headband/sunglasses/balaclava and wind boxers if avbl?

  5. Ed Torres says:

    I convinced Walt to run tomorrow in Melrose. Hills!! Who needs them. The earlier the better – the winds will get stronger as the day gets longer. We’ll plan to start at 11 at Brueggers if anyone is interested.


  6. Joanne Piper says:

    Sue C. and I are running at 8:30 from Brueggers 7-9 miles. I think we are going to the Lake and back but will decide in the morning. We thought it might be worth it to go earlier- it’s supposed to be warmer. We’ll see!

  7. Demi Dubois says:

    I’ll be joining Lois and Pam at 12 noon on Saturday. Thanks for the heads up!

  8. Ginny Rowe says:

    I’ll join Sue and Joann at 8:30 and get it over with early. I’m planning the full 10.7 loop.

  9. Lauren Cossette says:

    Unfortunately, I have plans from 10-1 this morning so it looks like I’ll be running in the cold tomorrow all by my lonesome. Have fun everyone! Wish I could join you.

  10. Audie Bridges says:

    I’m interested in running the 10.7 tomorrow. I’ll be running slowly as I’m recovering from a back injury. I’m flexible about the starting time.

    Tomorrow shouldn’t be so bad. You could be running Derry instead!

  11. Dave Hayes says:

    Hi, trying to get back to it – had several good circuits this week. I’m going into Breakheart with spikes today, and likely return tomorrow to take advantage of the tree cover. I’ll report back later on conditions there today. Over the past few nights, I have found Lake Q to be pretty good, not so much because it is cleared as because there are so few people walking after 6pm. Most path has traction, some sheets of run-off freezing over, and puddles here and there, but I never lost footing with running shoes.

  12. Jennifer Rapaport says:

    I will be running on Saturday as well. For me, Saturday already is pushing my cold limits!

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