Week 5 – The Old Melrose Half

Last week we had over 30 runners brave the cold wind heading up to Wakefield. Icicles were even spotted on a runner! Good news for this week though, it should be above freezing as we run our last Sunday run of January.

This week we trace the route of the old Melrose Half Marathon. Heading up Main St, cutting down Melrose St and onto the LynnFells Parkway we’ll cross the starting line of the Melrose Law Enforcement Half, run in March back about 10 years ago. From the Beginning, the route will loop Ell Pond with lefts on Tremont, Lake, Emerson, Main, Melrose, and the LynnFells Parkway. (If you’re running with Michelle Palmer, and you were alive in the 70’s, feel free to mention the significance of being at the corner of Emerson and Lake with Palmer). This time down the LynnFells cross Tremont and continue along the Parkway to Grimsby’s. We’ll have a quick little water stop there for you.

If you’re running shorter, you’ll skip the loop of the pond and head straight to Grimsbys.

From Grimsby’s  continue over to the Fellsway East and enjoy the hills as we retrace the route from two weeks ago. Turn right on Highland and hit the water stop.

If you’re running short you’ll head back along the front side of Spot Pond and run back to Brueggers via Pond St past Grimsby’s onto Wyoming and a left on Main St.

If you’re running long you’ll loop Spot Pond just like you did last time, left on Elm at the rotary, right on the Fellsway West, cut through the Straw Point Parking lot, past the Zoo and back to the water stop.

From the water stop you’ll take a left on East Border Road, take a moment to curse at the hill or at me or at both, then turn left onto the Fellway East and rerun those two hills that got you out here. Continue back on the LynnFells Parkway past Melrose High School. If this were the race, and the track were still there,  you would then run a lap around the track with legs worn from the hills in front of a crowd of people. Instead though head back to Melrose St, turn right and right again onto Main St. Finish up with a strong run into Brueggers.

So that’s what’s on tap this week. I’ll need some help with water stops. Let me know if you’re interested and what you plan on running and we’ll figure it out. I plan on being at Highland Ave and running the loop of the pond. I could use a car at Grimsby’s and maybe one at Straw Point.

So who’s in?! ROLL CALL!!!

30 Responses to “Week 5 – The Old Melrose Half”

  1. Haecha says:

    I’m hoping to run today so I can help with the water-stops. I’ll be there at 8am so just let me know where you want me to be!

  2. Sue Clough says:

    I will start and end at Grimsby’s so I could be a water stop.

  3. Jpse Viveiros says:

    I plan to run the long loop. thanks volunterrs.

  4. michele deangelo says:

    Hi all,
    I will NOT be running. I’m still having alot of discomfort from a groin pull.
    Have fun and be safe.

  5. Dorota Bulik says:

    I’m in for the full. We’re going to the dance party tonight. We’ll see how these two combine 😀

  6. Sue Worrall says:

    I’m planning to do the full, but need to finish early—I’ll start at Spot Pond and hope to get to Bruegger’s at 8.

  7. Michelle Palmer says:

    Emerson, Lake and Palmer!! Too funny. I am IN for the full!

  8. Brian Walfield says:

    I’m in for the full. More or less?

  9. Maryanne Martin says:

    In for the full…see you in the am…

  10. Betty Cooper says:

    I’ll be there for the full! I’m finally feeling better, I hope my time is better too!

  11. Audie Bridges says:

    I hope to do 12-14.

  12. Lisa Hentschel says:

    I’ll be there for the full and my husband Derek can come to help with water stops if you need. Please let me know if you need him… Thanks

  13. HI, I can finally make it to a SLR, doing the shorter route, probably really slow.
    See you at 8!

  14. Nancy says:

    In for the full

  15. Lee Romprey says:

    I’m in for the full. Thanks to all doing the water stops.

  16. Joe Terranova says:

    In for the full.

  17. Lois Parker Carmona says:

    In for the full. Let me know if you need additional help with a water stop.

  18. Erin Lynch says:

    I am only doing half this week. I can do a water stop, too if need be.

  19. Ed Bradford says:

    I’m in for 10 or so.

  20. Audrey Hanscom says:

    I am in for the full.

  21. Thuy says:

    I have my daughter’s sleepover birthday party tonight. I won’t be there in am. Have fun!

  22. Christina Antico says:

    I’ll try and run 10. Thanks!

  23. Jim says:


    Lisa, I think we’ll be all set this week. I’m saving your husband for the loooong runs when I’m scrambling for helpers.

    Sue, since your car will be there we’ll use it!

    Haecha, you can come along if you like, not required but you could help cover Highland and then scoot over to Straw Point while my car stays at Highland.

    Thanks all for the help!

  24. Rick Collette says:

    Hello All,

    I’ll be there at 7:45, and may even wake up by 9:30. Just in time to see some runners come home!


  25. Lauren Cossette says:

    I’m going to copy Sue and start/end at Grimsby’s. I haven’t been running hills so the Fellsway is probably going to kill me!

  26. Jeff Rushton says:

    In for the full…thanks volunteers!

  27. liz tASSINARI says:

    I am probably going to join the long runners at some point 9 or 10 and finish with them….I will look for them at 9:30 or so

  28. diana mirabello says:

    I’m in for the full.

  29. Beth Dunne says:

    I’m in for something – probably just a few miles.

  30. Gillian Petrozziello says:

    I’m in for the full. See you at 8!

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