If you ran your longest run last week, well its time to recover from all those miles. Yes its time to taper, or as I like to call it “Don’t do anything stupid time”. Yes, the training isn’t over, but lets not push your muscles to hard as we wrap things up over the next few weeks.
This week we have a nice little 14.8 mile run on tap. Yes, what 10 weeks ago would have seemed like a quite a challenge is now the easy run. The run will take you up East Foster to Melrose Common, then over to Swain’s Pond Ave, and through Malden with a right on Lebanon and left on Forest St. At the end of Forest you’ll find water stop one at Citizen’s Bank.
After the water stop you’ll run out on to Winter St, past Oak Grove, through a complicated intersection where you go straight across to Glenwood Street. Follow that up hills and around corners until you hit the Fellsway East. Turn right there and go find some more hills as it brings you to the LynnFells Parkway which will take you to the knoll at Melrose High School where you’ll find the next water stop.
If you’re looking to run shorter than 14.8 you have the choice to turn before the water stop at Grimsby’s for something in the 7 mile range or after the water stop for an 8 mile run.
For those going long keep heading up the LynnFells Parkway until you hit Saugus. Turn left at the lights at Main Street in Saugus and keep your legs moving through some more hills to Farm Street. Take a left at Nahant and pop out at Main Street in Wakefield. There’ll be a water stop at Nick’s Pizza.
From Nick’s head south on Main Street and finish up at Brueggers. Nice simple run as you start to ease your way through the taper.
Water stops: I’m back so I’ll try to handle them. If anyone wants to help out a car at the knoll will help ensure I get to Nick’s Pizza on time. I can pick someone up there if they are willing to leave their car there. Regarding supplies, if you have some and are running I’ll just pick them up Sunday Morning. If you have some and you’re not running drop me an e-mail and I’ll try to pick them up from you.
Who’s in? ROLL CALL!!!
Welcome back! I’m pretty sure I won’t be around Sunday. Hope everyone has a great run.
I am in for the full!
I’m in for the half.
Glad to have you back, Jim! I ‘ll bring what little I have for supplies. Running nearly the full, see you at Brueggers.
I’m in for the full.
Welcome back Jim! I’m planning on running about 12 and leaving my car at Nick’s pizza in a.m. Sue C. will pick me up before 8 so we can start with everyone at Brueggers. I have a bin with a few leftover supplies from last week in my car. Let me know if you want me to bring it to Brueggers or leave it at Nicks in my unlocked car. Also I have Eric’s clack gloves in the bin.
Hi Jim,
I’ll be running the Smuttynose Rockfest Half this Sunday.
May meet at the 7 mile mark, and do at least 6 miles back….
In for the full. Thanks
Count me in for the full!!
Jim, I could leave my car at the knoll if you still need one- as long as you could drive me back to it from Nicks (where I’m ending my run.)
in for the full
I’m in for the full – welcome back!
May do half. Can help with water
Count me in for the half!! Welcome back Jim!!
Welcome back, Jim! I’m in for the half and thanks to all the water stop volunteers!
Joanne, sorry I was out almost all day yesterday. Leave your car at either place with the water stop supplies in it. I’ll add to it when we reach it.
Thanks Jim for helping us through the rain!