Archive for the ‘Week 6’ Category

Week 6 – And Rocky collapsed in the Corner

Sunday, August 17th, 2008

Does everyone know where they’re going? Each week as we assemble on the sidewalk outside of Brueggers the run is kicked off with those words. Each week there is an iffy answer in the affirmative. This week was the kind of week that makes me ask this as this recap will illustrate.

At 8:00 I rushed over to Brueggers, running a bit late since I didn’t notice the 8 mile route map as page 2 on the map link and quickly remade one so people running shorter would know where they were going. These were not the people I should have been worried about. As Walt came in from his pre-run miles, and Linda and her MVS friend came in from their pre-run and pre-fall, and the rest of the crowd streamed out of Brueggers, I reviewed the water stop location with Jean, our water stop volunteer for the day, and went over the routes quickly so people would know where we were going. Walt asked if he could take the map with him but I decided I wanted to give it to Jean so she would know where to go and Walt could take it from her as he went by. Off went Jean, off went Walt, and off went the rest of the big crowd of 28 runners heading out to Winchester.

Up Main St to Franklin the chatter in the crowd focused on the Women’s Olympic Marathon, held on Sunday Morning in China and televised Saturday Night on the East Coast. Inspired by the 38 year old gold medal run by Romania’s Constantina Tomescu our running goals all seemed more achievable this morning. The stream of runners flowed along Franklin St into Stoneham and over to Winchester and our first water stop. At this point in the run everything was going fine. The shorter route returned to Melrose by heading over to Spot Pond, down to Grimsby’s, and along the LynnFells to Main St. As far as I know this was an uneventful 8 miles in comfortable weather along a winding route… unless I missed something.

The longer route headed out Forest St to Highland Ave. If the sight of blood on Linda before the run even started wasn’t foretelling an odd run the sights of an older man ambling up the hill towards us with two turkeys by his side definitely was a signal that this would not be a typical run. As we passed him we asked if those turkeys were with him, he said no, he thought they were with us. As our pack of Nicole, Eve, Mike, and myself passed by we noticed yet another larger turkey running off down a side street. As Lois and Sue passed the man the turkeys decided they liked the ladies better and turned around and ran down the hill with them for a while before the turkeys pulled ahead. After that sight the route turned onto Highland Ave with a pleasant, yet hilly side trip along Reservoir Rd. This is one of my favorite streets to run on. With the Fells on one side you catch a glimpse of the sun sparkling of one of the Winchester Reservoirs through the trees. On the other side of the antique street light lined road is a row of large beautiful houses. In the middle of the road is a long steep hill. (Love the hills, they’ll love you back). Nicole and I charged through the hill while Mike and Eve shook theirs heads at us. At this point I pulled ahead and ran along back on Highland Ave towards water stop 2.

Here’s where things got interesting. At Highland Ave and Mystic Valley Parkway Walt took a left turn instead of going straight, not having a map to help him out. The pack behind him followed along thinking he knew what he was doing (Note: Never follow Walt). Nicole and I continued on to water stop 2… or the empty spot where it was supposed to be, maybe that map wouldn’t have helped Walt because it didn’t help Jean. We continued on with that “maybe it’s just around this corner” feeling for a little while but unfortunately Jean was waiting on a street corner somewhere we wouldn’t be passing by… those of us that were actually in the right place. As we headed down Main St over to Washington St near Winchester Center two people in white tank tops passed in the opposite direction. Mike and Eve noticed them heading to the left on Main St and, mistaking them for me and Nicole, followed them… off course where they would coincidentally run into Walt. With some guidance from Sue and Lois correcting wrong turns from behind, last week’s two lost runners Kelly and Catherine stayed on course throughout the run. If you’re keeping score, only 6 of the long runners were in the right place, heading down Washington St at this point in the run. Along this stretch Sue and Lois were on a mission to track down water. They passed on the idea of stopping at a church and stealing a sip of Holy Water, and instead found fountain to drink from, unfortunately it was filled with dirty water that they had to scoop out to make room for the heads so they could reach the tiny trickle that came out of the spout. From there we passed a dead raccoon on the side of the road which I named Rocky after Rocky Racoon in the Beatles song, a tune that stuck in my head as I climbed back up Forest St to Walt’s car and what was now the second water stop of the day. Nancy was waiting there having cut her run short due to a sore achilles and informed me that I was the first one to make it back to the stop. Yikes! Where is everyone!

From the water stop we headed over to Park St, past the man that was walking turkeys earlier in the day and over to Spot pond. Along the back side of the pond Nicole and I took turns passing each other as she pushed the pace up hills and I did the same on the downhills. This route, a very hilly one, even challenged Nicole’s passion for the hills as we made the last long climb up Elm St. At the rotary by the hockey rink we ran into Jean who pulled into the parking lot and supplied us with a bonus cup of Gatorade to get us through the last few miles. Not knowing who was where I guessed that Lois would be by but I had no idea who else would make it there. While I was saying this Lois was making her way back to Brueggers, either by foot or by car, the details are getting fuzzy on me now.

Leaving the water stop we followed the pond to Pond St where I ran into Mike coming from the other direction. As we headed down to Grimsby’s we passed Matt making his way back from wherever he had been. Back down Wyoming we went, onto Main and back to Brueggers to end an adventurous day.

In the end Nicole, Catherine, Kelly and I were the only four to run the full 16.2 mile route as it was intended. I can only speak for myself, as everyone else was wandering around Winchester and Medford I was having myself a darn good run. Thanks to Walt and Jean for volunteering to help this week, and thanks to all that ran today I hope you enjoyed the adventure.

Next week we’re trying a new route, out to Horn Pond in Woburn. I’ll post a map some time this week, I suggest people print it out and bring it with them so everyone will know where they’re going. 🙂

Week 6 – The Sacramone Run – Roll Call

Tuesday, August 12th, 2008

In honor of the closest Olympic athlete to Melrose, gymnast Alicia Sacramone of Winchester, MA, this week we’ll run through her hometown. Ok, yeah we were gonna run there anyway regardless of the Olympics, I’m just trying to make things more interesting. So its out to Winchester for 16+ miles for the long runners, 8+ for those training for a half. Take a look at the maps and familiarize yourself with the route.

There will be two water stops needed this week. Walt will take care of the first one and I’ll need a volunteer to pick me up at the second one at the corner of Highland Ave and Main St in Winchester. (I’ll be away from the computer until Saturday so I’ll get back to the first person to volunteer then)

Ok, time for the roll call…. who’s in? Plus name any current or former Olympian from your hometown if you can.

I’m in for the full route… and the most recent Olympian from my hometown of Brookline, MA: Jonathon Riley competed in the 2004 Summer Olympics in the 5K.

Week 6 Recap – Happy Birthday George, Abe, and Julie

Monday, February 18th, 2008

This Monday we honor our Presidents on the day where George Washington’s birthday is observed. Today we also observed Julie D’Andrea’s birthday (a milestone one), celebrating in our own way, with a long run.

 Fourteen runners milled about Brueggers on a morning where it seemed we would rather stay inside but eventually the crowd started moving out the door and down the sidewalk. Before I could say go, we went, into the cool winter morning. Temperatures were in the 20s with wind chills expected to be in the teens. As we headed down Main St and out Franklin St to Stoneham the air was relatively still making the morning seem warm. The lead pack was Linda Ford, Brian, Walt, Ed, and Paul, forging ahead like a comet with the other 9 runners forming a tail behind it. We cut down Summer St to Marble and over I-93 into Winchester and the first water stop at Lois’ car.

A quick drink and the lead pack was off again. The more social water stoppers lingered for a while, but in short time we too followed Forest St to Highland Ave, up to Winchester Hospital where we took a left on Reservoir Rd. This tiny street along the north end of the Fells is the prettiest of all the streets we run on during training. As the sun shined bright on the frozen reservoir Ana commented on how beautiful and peaceful the scenery was and marveled at the beautiful homes that lined the street. Then she noticed the hilly road rise up in front of us. This street is pretty and steep, but in my opinion worth the effort. The route looped back to Highland where we each attacked the uphills and downhills into the next water stop where Rick attentively took care of our hydration needs.

Off we went for the next section of the long run. Following Rt-38 to Washington Street, the flatness of this section contrasted the hills that got us here. Unfortunately that changed in the last mile as a climb up Forest St provides and endless series of uphills back to Lois’ car for water stop 3. As we climed to the water stop we spotted Sue Clough and her daughter stopping to pick up supplies to shuttle over for a bonus water stop further into the route.

As we broke from water stop 3 there was a lot of negotiating on who was doing what this morning. This isn’t an easy 16 mile run which challenged the resolve of each runner. As we came out to Spot Pond by Friendly’s runners had a choice, go straight and cut 3 miles off the run or go right to loop the pond for the full 16. Most stuck to their plan for the full run, some cut their runs short to save themselves for the Hyannis Half next week. Shortly after the turn I found myself running alone, the quiet interrupted only by a toot from Lois and Pam as they zoomed by on their way to help Sue with the final water stop. This section of the run was the coldest, with some big winds whipping up off the Pond and the highway as we run parallel to I-93. A few hills later I was pulling into the Flynn Rink parking lot and reaping the benefits of the bonus water stop. Mike MacNeil and Ana followed in right behind. While Mike and I sipped our last gatorade of the day, and wolfed down a mini-Snickers, Ana went off to find a place to stretch and came back with a frozen little Dora the Explorer doll she found in an icy snow bank. Dora was not dressed for the weather, sporting a little tennis outfit and clutching a little pink tennis racket in her frozen hands. Ana ran the last bit of the run with Dora and hand, bringing her home to nurse her back to health.

Those last few miles took us around the Pond and down West Wyoming. Along the way I got tooted at again, this time a grin and wave from Francis Blesso as he drove by. And then one more toot as Lois and Pam raced by to beat me to Brueggers.

Overall it was a pleasant day to run, the water stop support was excellent (Thanks Lois, Rick, and Sue!), and we can put a checkmark next to 16.2 miles now!

Week 6 – Candy (check), Roses (check), 16.2 miles…

Friday, February 15th, 2008

Ok. with Valentines Day behind us, it’s time to think about the Sunday Long Run. Before we get there though, let’s give a shout out to the five familiar faces from our Sunday Long Runs that hit the Half at the Hamptons last week to put their training to the test. Each passed with flying colors with good runs despite some weather challenges toward the end.

Paul Donahue Brian SlaterAndrew PateGinny RoweRick Collette

(Photos courtesy Capstone Photography)

On a sad side note, the Rochester Runners lost one of their long time members, Bill Paradis, 55, who died of an apparent heart attack at mile 6 of the race. Our thoughts go out to the Rochester Runners and Bill’s family and friends. 

As for this Sunday, This week we’ll be stretching our miles out a little further, 16.2 for those with their eye on a spring marathon and 8.2 for those readying for a spring half. If you’re planning racing next weekend you might want to lighten up the mileage this week.

We’re heading out to Winchester, a neighborhood we haven’t run through yet this year, so be sure to review the maps.

If you’re looking for more then 8 but less than 16 I’ll add notes on the map for shortcuts you can take to tailor the distance to your needs.

Anyone that would like to run a 5.5 mile loop, meet us at water stop 1 and run the Winchester highland section back around to the water stop.

Lois and Nancy have volunteered the use of their cars for the water stops this week. Unless anyone insists on something other than that, we’re all set.

Good luck to Sunday runners heading to Martha’s Vineyard for a 20 mile race or Foxboro for a 10 mile race this weekend!

Time for the Roll Call! Leave a note here if you’re coming and how many miles you plan on running.